Does Hairspray Dry Nail Polish faster? 5 Mistakes to avoid

Do your freshly painted nails smudge before they dry? I know, it just ruins the look. But what if I told you there’s a simple, everyday hack to help your nail polish dry faster? Yep, it’s hairspray.

Drying nails through hair spray
The image belongs to editmynails. All rights reserved

How Does It Work?

Hair spray works on your nails the same way it does on hair. It speeds up the drying process of nail polish by creating a thin, protective barrier on the surface. The alcohol in hairspray evaporates quickly, taking some of the nail polish solvent with it. This way, your nails will set faster and less prone to pesky smudges.

Steps to Use Hairspray for Drying Nail Polish

To avoid smudges and dents, here is how to use hairspray to properly dry out nail polish.

  1. Apply your nail polish as you normally would.
  2. Give your nail polish about a minute to settle.
  3. Hold the can of hairspray about 6-8 inches away from your nails and give them an even spritz.
  4. Allow the hairspray to dry for a minute or two.
  5. Wash your hands with cold water after your nails have dried.

Mistakes to avoid

These 5 mistakes can prevent the hairspray from drying out the nail polish quickly. 

1. Using Too Much Hairspray

Over-spraying can create a sticky residue, making it harder for the nail polish to dry properly.

2. Spraying Too Close

Holding the hairspray too close to the nails can cause uneven coverage and bubbles in the polish.

3. Using Non-Alcohol-Based Hairspray

Alcohol-based hairsprays evaporate quickly. This means they dry out the nail polish quickly compared to the non-alcohol-based hairspray.

4. Being in a hurry

Spraying hairspray immediately after applying nail polish can cause smudging. It’s important to let the nail polish set for a minute before using hairspray.

Skipping the Final Step

Not washing hands after the hairspray has dried can leave a sticky residue, which can attract dirt and affect the nail finish. 

How do you get the best results?

To get the best results, use an alcohol-based hairspray. A light, even mist from about 6-8 inches away should do the trick. After spraying, let your nails sit for a minute or two, then rinse your hands to remove any sticky residue.


Hairspray is a fantastic, quick solution when you need your nails to dry fast. Properly dried nail polish is less prone to chipping and peeling, making the manicure last longer. Just give your freshly painted nails a quick even spritz with hairspray, and you’ll notice the polish setting faster.

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Hi, I'm Momina, and I'm totally obsessed with nails! I started messing around with nail art when I was like 5, copying all the cool stuff my mom used to do. Now, I'm lucky enough to have turned that hobby into a career, and I'm here to share all the tips and tricks I've learned along the way. Get ready to be inspired!

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